Monday, July 23, 2012


One definition of CLOSURE is “A feeling of finality or resolution, especially after a traumatic experience.” Closure is one of the most important steps in your own healing with the ending of a relationship. Closure gives one a chance to tie up emotional loose ends with an official ending.” Unfortunately, you are never granted this opportunity when you are/were involved in a narcissistic relationship. Closure for a survivor is waking up from one of the most painful nightmares and realizing that you never meant anything to this man or woman. You’re caught in an emotional crossfire with yourself reflecting on all of the years you’ve spent with and loved this person, but realizing you never had any meaning in the narcissist’s life. This is the hardest part to accept and why closure and moving forward is often difficult and delayed. It is hard to fathom that a person could do this to you and have no remorse or regret, in fact when you or they leave, they rewrite history to justify their behavior and if children aren’t involved they simply write you out of the story entirely. In the end after all they have denied you in the relationship they even try to deny you one last thing "your own reality." People wonder why it’s hard for a survivor to pick up the pieces and just jump back into life all bushy tailed and bright eyed but when you have been broken and shattered into a million pieces it's not really that big of a surprise. To glue a million pieces back together takes time and patience and remember "Rome wasn't built in a day."