Friday, November 18, 2011

Unfit Parent

Almost every email I receive from my ex he labels me an unfit parent. It's interesting an abuser labels the healthy parent as unfit. Does a fit parent corner his daughter in a basement scare her to death with his voice tone and the use his body to physically intimidate her? Does a fit parent continually tell his child since memory serves her that her mother is crazy, she never wanted you, she's a loser, and many other negative terms that fall into the same categorization? Does a fit parent send his child forwarded copies of the email he originally sends you which are full of the usual negative rhetoric and laced with personal attacks and put-downs? Why has my daughter taken on the role of protector for his 3 youngest stepchildren. She says she will do anything to help them especially the one that he seems to have zoned in on as his primary target. This scares me to death, because it puts my daughter in the direct line of fire. He has broken my hand and fractured my head, so physical violence is possible when he goes into a rage. Over the past year she has begun defying him and what that really means is she's standing up for her opinions, ideas, beliefs, and thoughts; she is setting boundaries, but as I have experienced you don't do that with a narcissist without repercussions.

Am I a perfect parent? No! I'm a very good parent. I've always told my daughter I'm a parent in training, because learning is never done and I'm continually growing right along with my daughter. My daughter is a beautiful, bright, strong, and articulate child; she has witnessed and experienced things in dealing with a narcissistic parent that I wish I could change, but I can't. The only thing I can do for her is give unconditional love, support, and always be there for her. To give her the tools that I never had or wasn't taught and hope she'll be a thriver and not just a survivor.

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